Monday, May 18, 2020
The Home Visitor Arrived On Time For The Visit - 756 Words
The home visitor arrived on time for the visit. She was well prepared to conduct this visit. When she arrived home the family was waiting for her arrival. Twins greeted her with glee and talked about their birthday that had just passed. They were excited that they turned five. Home visitor greeted the family with the similar excitement. She exchanged a few words with mom who demonstrated pleasure to see the home visitor. Mom went to change the diaper of the child in the program. HV took the book out â€Å"Old McDonald had a Farm†. She sang and along with the twins until mom came back with the program child. HV repeated the process of singing and reading with the child. She made them count from 1-5. This activity engaged all children. In addition, mom was part of the activity. Next, the home visitor had a â€Å"Rollipop†activity for cognitive function. HV engaged children to set up the activity. During the activity she asked open ended questions, talked about colors, shapes, and other vocabulary. She kept the conversation going that created language rich environment. In between, she mentioned about the objectives of the activity to mom. Mom was very engaged and added her input along with the HV’s input. HV encouraged and elicited responses through praise. While the activity was going on she asked questions about twins’ birthday. Children were excited to talk about the event. Mom pulled her cell phone to show HV pictures from the birthday. HV demonstrated pleasure in the familyShow MoreRelatedShort Story1235 Words  | 5 PagesAfter battling traffic for forty-five minutes, Arthur arrived at the hospital and checked in at the front desk. The receptionist was pleasant when she informed him it would be a bit of a wait before he could s ee Tristan, and to take a seat in the waiting area. 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