Friday, May 22, 2020
What Is The Importance Of Ignorance In Animal Farm
Evan Thomas Period 1 Kas-Margoi English 9A Monday, July 16, 2017 Ignorance In a society where an elite elegance has gotten rid of tools that the rulers do not allow because of this elite institution of people often use this gear to dominate and oppress society. In George Orwell’s story, Animal Farm, Orwell demonstrates that education is a powerful weapon and is a device that can be used to at least one’s benefit. Living in a world where strength is a straightforward benefit, the pigs quick use education to govern the relaxation of the animals on the farm to serve themselves worked to their advantage. This story in shows the underlying message that first, training is important to all tiers of society, subsequent, for when it is not,†¦show more content†¦Orwell is in a position to reveal how education is not given to all, it s far too easy for people with it to abuse it for extra power. Now that the pigs have the preliminary benefit over the opposite animals, the future holds plans of using it as a private device to oppression. After the pigs have educated themselves, they hold to discredit the others schooling and exchange positive policies to claim their elite dominance. After Napoleon has gotten rid of Snowball to have all power to himself, he is taking away all the strength from the other animals as property. Napoleon announces to all the animals: From now on the Sunday Morning Meetings might come to an cease... [also] all questions regarding the running of the farm could be settled via a unique committee of pigs, presided over through himself. These might meet in private and afterwards talk their choices to the others...[additionally] there could be no greater debates.†(21) Through having Napoleon claim that â€Å"there could be no more debates;†Orwell is able to portray that the pigs are silencing their subjects to be able to preserve energy for themselves. Napoleon’s training makes itShow MoreRelatedHow Is Marxism Portrayed in Animal Farm by George Orwell? Essay1369 Words  | 6 PagesHow is Marxism portrayed throughout ‘Animal Farm’ by George Orwell? The main aim of Marxism is to bring about a classless society, and ‘Animal Farm’ is generally considered to be a Marxist novel, as all its characters share a similar ambition at the beginning. ‘Animal Farm’ represents an example of the oppressed masses rising up to form their own classless society, whilst offering a subtle critique on Stalin’s Soviet Russia, and communism in general. Orwell is, ironically, revolutionary in hisRead MoreHow Does Orwell Explore the Theme of Education in Animal Farm?1413 Words  | 6 PagesHow Does Orwell Explore The Theme Of Education In Animal Farm? ‘All animals are equal but some animals are more equal than others’. George Orwell writes this toward the end of his highly acclaimed allegory, Animal Farm. From this single statement we can tell quite a bit about Orwell’s views on education which he puts across strongly throughout the novel. A message I see that this statement portrays is that everyone has the right to an education but some people were getting a better education thanRead MoreAnimal Farm, By George Orwell1722 Words  | 7 PagesWhen Animal Farm was first published in 1945, the end of World War Two had finally drawn near and the people of Europe, North America, and other communities across the country had grown weary of the misuse of power on a global level. The rise of the Soviet Union in Russia represented a new potential threat for the countries of the Western world as the same strategies and tactics that Soviet leaders used to come into and maintain power had been seen in the early stages of countless other countriesRead MoreAbuse of Power in George Orwell’s Animal Farm Essay1356 Words  | 6 Pagesabuse of power. 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ANIMAL FARM: â€Å"The Danger of an Uneducated Working Class and The Use of Language as Instrumental to the Abuse of Power†Born in 1903, Eric Arthur Blair, better known as George Orwell, was an English political novelist and journalistRead MoreAnimal Rights And The Ethical Treatment Of Animals1267 Words  | 6 Pageswhether or not animals should be allowed to be used as subjects in research, entertainment, or clothing is one of the most controversial issues known in today’s society (Parks 21). Through time, animal rights have acquired several different definitions and opinions from people. 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The figurehead of this government is Big Brother, who employs a vast army of informers called the Thought Police who watch and listen to every citizen at all times through a device called a telescreen for the least signs of criminal deviation or unorthodox thoughts. This novel, like Orwell’s earlier work Animal Farm and Aldous Huxley’s Brave
Monday, May 18, 2020
The Home Visitor Arrived On Time For The Visit - 756 Words
The home visitor arrived on time for the visit. She was well prepared to conduct this visit. When she arrived home the family was waiting for her arrival. Twins greeted her with glee and talked about their birthday that had just passed. They were excited that they turned five. Home visitor greeted the family with the similar excitement. She exchanged a few words with mom who demonstrated pleasure to see the home visitor. Mom went to change the diaper of the child in the program. HV took the book out â€Å"Old McDonald had a Farm†. She sang and along with the twins until mom came back with the program child. HV repeated the process of singing and reading with the child. She made them count from 1-5. This activity engaged all children. In addition, mom was part of the activity. Next, the home visitor had a â€Å"Rollipop†activity for cognitive function. HV engaged children to set up the activity. During the activity she asked open ended questions, talked about colors, shapes, and other vocabulary. She kept the conversation going that created language rich environment. In between, she mentioned about the objectives of the activity to mom. Mom was very engaged and added her input along with the HV’s input. HV encouraged and elicited responses through praise. While the activity was going on she asked questions about twins’ birthday. Children were excited to talk about the event. Mom pulled her cell phone to show HV pictures from the birthday. HV demonstrated pleasure in the familyShow MoreRelatedShort Story1235 Words  | 5 PagesAfter battling traffic for forty-five minutes, Arthur arrived at the hospital and checked in at the front desk. The receptionist was pleasant when she informed him it would be a bit of a wait before he could s ee Tristan, and to take a seat in the waiting area. 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Friday, May 8, 2020
U.s. Balance Of Payment Deficit - 1425 Words
Sustainability of U.S. Balance of Payment Deficit The U.S. has been running a trade deficit consistently since the early 1980s. There have been minor recessions from 1980 to 2008. The Great Recession starting as a result of complex financial products, which masked debt risk (McGahey, 2014). The Great Recession was not a result of trade deficit itself. The question naturally arises; can the U.S. maintain trade deficits indefinitely? Overall, Carbaugh argues that there is no economic reason why the United States cannot continue to sustain current account deficits (Carbaugh, 2013). Similarly, Karczmar quoting Herb Stein suggests â€Å"that if the U.S. deficit is a problem, and there is no solution to the problem, then there is no problem†(Karczmar, 2004, p. 9). There are risks in maintaining chronic deficits, however. The focus turns to analyzing if the benefits outweigh the risks, and if not, what can be done to reduce the deficit without negatively impacting the U.S. ec onomy overall. Both Carbaugh, and Karczmar’s risk assessments, options for keeping or reducing the deficit, and impacts of deficit reduction are explored below. Carbaugh explains that the U.S. media and trade unions myopically focus on merchandise trade imbalance while glossing over the fact that services balance has been positive (Carbaugh, 2013). The discussion turns towards services jobs paying less than manufacturing jobs. Jobs that have been created post the recession are lower paying jobsShow MoreRelatedKennedy and the Balance of Payment1258 Words  | 6 Pages Kennedy and the Balance of Payment Assignment 1- FINA6676-2 1/30/2014 Hang Pham- A00366703 â€Æ' What is President Kennedy’s U.S. balance of payment problem? In the 1960s, the United States was experiencing the balance of payment problem when its trade balance was in a substantial deficit, the US dollar was under an attack and a massive amount of gold flew out of its official reserve. Such issues in the balance of payment if exist for a long time can be a threat to the whole economyRead MoreEssay on Current Account Deficits1077 Words  | 5 PagesRun Current Account Deficits Indefinitely? (p. 361). Ultimately in the long term the answer is no, but the question could be rephrased to ask: (1) Does the United States unique position in the world economy allow the country to safely run persistent external deficits? and (2) can persistent U.S. deficits in the current and payments accounts be adjusted without bringing about economic recession or crisis? Japan, China, and Middle Eastern oil countries have enabled this deficit to continue by heavilyRead MoreInternational and Global Trade Essay1168 Words  | 5 Pagesaffects a lot of diffe rent countries when trading. Despite its work relief elements and large government programs, International Trade in a recessionary market has a big impact on every country because of the exchange rate, balance of payment, balance of trade and trade deficit. We need to trade so we can make more money and pull us out of a recession. Trading becomes more important as the years pass us by because we have exports and imports that have grown at a fast pace. When you export the peopleRead MoreEssay on The United States Current Account Deficit1251 Words  | 6 Pagessame monstrous economy also holds the title for the largest current account deficit. The U.S. current account deficit is funded from net capital inflows from abroad and has continued to grow throughout the last two decades (Holman, 2001). Economists in the early part of this century theorized that this huge U.S. external deficit was sustainable because it would gradually correct itself and in a few short years, the deficit would narrow, but this was not t he case (Holman, 2001). The United States,Read MoreAgency Problems Of Mncs.1657 Words  | 7 PagesExplain how appreciation of the euro would affect Plak s valuation. Appreciation of the euro will affect Plak’s valuation because Plak’s headquarters are located in Chicago, the increase of the value of the euro would increase the earnings of this U.S. based company. When the earnings from their European subsidiaries are remitted, Plak will see an added increase in their earnings due to the euro being worth more that usual. 7. Benefits and Risks of International Business a. As an overall reviewRead MoreWEEK 1 - 5 QUIZZES884 Words  | 4 PagesWeek 5 quiz 1. In the U.S. current account, most of the trade deficit results from an excess of imported B. merchandise 2. What is the difference between the balance of trade and the balance of payments? A. The balance of trade is only part of the balance of trade. 3. If a government has implemented significantly higher trade tariffs, but does not want this action to affect the value of its currency, it will B. buy foreign currency because the tariffs will tend to make the domesticRead MoreThe Issue Of Trade Deficit With China Essay752 Words  | 4 Pagesare also facing the issue of trade deficit with U.S. like India, Japan, and UK and the basic reasons include outsourcing, free trade and currency manipulation (Davies Thurlow, 2010). In relation to U.S. Johnson (2015) identified that since Korea Free Trade Agreement, trade deficit of U.S. with Korea has increased by 80% and more than 70,000 U.S. jobs have been lost. Moreover, in 2014 trade deficit with China raised by $ 23.9 billion to $ 342.6 billion as U.S. made $2.3 billion to $ 124.0 billionRead MoreThe Japanese Yen Currency System1505 Words  | 7 Pagessafe haven. The Japanese yen has a long history for it is the second oldest major economy in the world. This advanced economy has many peculiar traits, key economic factors, and an interesting political structure that have lead to its current balance of payments, making it th e currency system it is today. The yen has a unique history that began when the currency was established over 100 years age. The New Currency Act of 1871 established the yen as the official unit of currency and moved Japan ontoRead More Exchange Rates Essay2360 Words  | 10 PagesExchange Rates Missing Two Graphs â€Å"For many years it has been believed that if countries import more than they export and so have a deficit on the current account of the balance of payments then their currencies will tend to fall in value. Yet over the last two years the dollar has been a strong currency even though USA has had a record current account deficit. How can this fact be explained? What does it tell us about the factors, which determine exchange rates? What policy decisions with regardRead MoreInternational Economics and U.s. Exports1794 Words  | 8 PagesOutline Balance of Payments Current Account Capital and Financial Accounts International Trade Flows Distribution of U.S. Exports and Imports U.S. Balance of Trade Trend International Trade Issues Events That Increase International Trade Trade Friction Factors Affecting International Trade Flows Impact of Inflation Impact of National Income Impact of Government Policies Impact of Exchange Rates Interaction of Factors Correcting a Balance of Trade
Wednesday, May 6, 2020
Love And Its Fleeting Properties - 2722 Words
Love and Its Fleeting Properties Love has quite the reputation in today’s world. For all of time it has been a phenomenon that was once unexplained, and even now that science has some answers, it is often regarded as magic. A little girl watches countless movies about a princess and prince who fall in love and live happily ever after. She grows up with the core belief that she will have a similar fate. Some point in her life, she will find â€Å"the one†and everything will fall into place. No more searching. Boys are not exposed to the concept of love until later on, but nevertheless they come to the same conclusion: one meeting, fall in love, get married, endless happiness. People are convinced that love is real and it lasts forever. Does it,†¦show more content†¦The first stage is lust. Lust is the feeling one experiences when they see an attractive person who peaks their interest, and immediately becomes the object of their desire. The second stage is attraction. When someone is in this st age, the majority of their thoughts are consumed by the other person. This is what is considered to be â€Å"head over heels†for someone. The individual cannot sleep at night, and their appetite may even diminish. There are a group of monoamines, which are neurotransmitters that play a role. These chemicals are familiar to many people. The first is dopamine, the neurotransmitter that is also released when someone consumes caffeine or nicotine. Dopamine levels are also raised by the use of certain illegal substances, as well as alcohol. This surge of dopamine is what leads to addiction. When it comes to love, the higher levels of dopamine when one is falling in love with another person causes them to become â€Å"addicted†to that person and their affection. The second is norepinephrine aka adrenaline. When norepinephrine is released, the heart rate increases and sweating is induced. At the same time, it â€Å"which heightens attention, short-term memory, hyperactivity, sleeplessness and goal-oriented behavior. In other words, couples in this stage of love focus intently on the relationship and often on little else†( On top of the clouds with little else on their minds, the person in love
Poem Still I Rise by Maya Angelou Free Essays
To read and understand the literature, it must be read slowly and using all the senses in it. Literature could teach us several things to understand life and their situations. The purpose of this writing is to discuss a literary work through a personal experience. We will write a custom essay sample on Poem Still I Rise by Maya Angelou or any similar topic only for you Order Now The poem that will be discussed in this essay will be â€Å"Still I Rise†by Maya Angelou. This is her famous poem ever known. This author is a very good writer, I am reading her poems for the first time and I liked her poems so much. This poem suggests that we can overcome difficulties in life, despite rejections and injustice. It also discusses racism and all the problems black people could have because of the discrimination and all the things that involve racism. It is a call for the blacks to be proud of their origin. The black person (the author), seems liberated from her color. This poem also tells to us the importance of being strong in front of the worst circumstances. And no matter the situation, you can overcome and learn from it. In this case, the author exposes the racism in the time of slavery. The poem has a very positive tone. Also, it is written for all type of people, I mean that anyone could read it and would understand its purpose very easily and quickly. The author says that no matter what, she will still rise. This poem has a lot of feelings; you can feel it when you are reading it. I think that the author had a painful past to have written this poem. Also, it is written for all type of people, I mean that anyone could read it and would understand its purpose very easily and quickly. You may shoot me with your words, you may cut me with your eyes, you may kill me with your hatefulness, but still, like air, I’ll rise. †Maya Angelou in this verse openly shows the white people discrimination towards black. Everyone has had a moment of discrimination in life, where we have spent many negative things. I have being identified personally with the author. Although I was not present at the time of slavery, I have been a victim of much other discrimination. I have been a victim of many other negative things that I have passed. About a year and a half ago, I lost my boyfriend because of a chronic disease. Now, my dad has the same disease and that makes me feel very sad, because I’m living the same situation. It is a very difficult situation, because I am reviving all the things that I passed along his disease. But I have been overcoming and willing all of it with my Lords help. Sometimes, we feel that we can’t live with a very strong emotional charge. That is when we have to be reborn and rise as the author says in her poem. We have to rise and overcome all the problems and situations in our life even worse than the most. In conclusion, life is not easy as it seems. Life is full of obstacles and setbacks that we couldn’t avoid because fate wants it that way. I think that people have always to believe in themselves and don’t let other people to put them down. As the author, Maya Angelou has rise despite all the bad and painful that ever happened her life. We need to learn from this poem and take example. I think it’s a very good poem to enhance and analyze the meaning of life and our purpose in it. How to cite Poem Still I Rise by Maya Angelou, Papers
Sustainability in Software Development Life Cycle-Myassignmenthelp
Question: Discuss about the Sustainability in Software Development Life Cycle. Answer: Introduction The main purpose of the research is to analyze the dissimilar methods that are required in order to generate proper sustainability in software development life cycle. Proper sustainability is Omni present term for different kinds of research proposals as well as other session of conferences. There are different aspects of the sustainability of the software development life cycle that has to be properly ascertained that includes proper process of development aspects, maintenance aspects as well as system production aspects as well. The entire paper helps in conducting a proper systematic literature review on different objectives that is related to the gaining proper knowledge on the sustainability in the software development life cycle. The main aim and purpose of the research is to properly design different views on the proper analysis of the sustainability that is required and is essential in nature to gain proper knowledge on software development life cycle. There is proper development of green as well as sustainable software development that is required in order to analyze better results as well in the future. Summary of Literature review According to Singh et al. (2013), the main goal of the sustainable software development life cycle is to properly analyze the different requirements of the sustainability issues in the organization. Proper sustainability aspects has been taken into account as this will help in understanding the different aspects such as development process such as wherein it mainly focuses on the initial development process of the financial as well as human resources. The main focus of the development process aspect is to distinguish the production system that is proper in nature with the late phase of the development for different reasons of analysis. On the other hand, Haque et al. (2013) commented that there is sustainability relating to the system production with the respect of different usage of resources using different sustainable IT principles as well as other hardware components that is sustainable in nature as well. Primarily, information technology is the main reason of ecological relates problems wherein IT is properly used in order to resolve such issues as well. There are green models with the two levels that are required for proper sustainable development. There are different guidelines as well as processes that will help in development of a green product in the near future as well. Furthermore, the different authors have also suggested that there are different relevant metrics that has to be analyzed as well as taken into action in order to measure for the greenness of the each and every phase in the development of the software. Haque et al. (2013) have properly presented that proper guidelines of software development is required in order to develop different green as well as sustainable software. The authors also suggested that both developments of the software as well as software will help in proper sustainable development of the different software. These kinds of software help in generating proper sustainable development in the entire environment. The Green soft model helps in software development that has been properly proposed supports different proper developers of software as well as users of software in proper maintenance as well as usage of the different software in a more effective manner. This particular model has even covered proper software life cycle development as this will help in maintaining a proper supervision as well. The final module of the software development life cycle helped in analyzing the different tools as well as recommendations in order to properly support the stakeholders of the organization who are related to it. With proper usage of the different professional skills, it is essential in nature to apply the green as well as sustainable development in the different development of software in different organizations as well. Proper development of the green software model helps in generating different guidelines as well as practices that will assist in supporting proper sustainability. The different authors have properly suggested that there are different changes in a more sustainable manner. The different authors have properly suggested different new software with proposition of different guidelines as well as other procedures that will help in supporting green as well as sustainable development processes, technologies as well as products. There is proper systematic literature review that will help in reviewing properly on thee sustainable development of the different software with proper implementation of technologies. There have been different authors as well who argued on proper availability of different software in generating sustainability in the software development life cycle. The different authors have properly suggested that proper future work is essential in nature in order to properly investigate evaluation technique and this will help in measuring proper sustainability in the organizations as well. However, there has been different attention that is required in order to properly develop sustainable measures in order to make proper green software in the different software development as well. Furthermore, green software multi sourcing is necessary in nature as this helps in development of proper software that is required in order to understand the different aspects of the green sustainable software in different organizations. The green kind of software that is multisourcing in nature has developed properly in order to develop new area of the development of the research in order to properly develop a green sustainable development projects. For this particular purpose, the model related to green software multi sourcing readiness model has been introduced that will help in understanding a different reviews on the development of the green software life cycle. Lastly, it can be properly suggested that proper literature reviews has been conducted in order to properly develop different kind of software related to software development life cycle. The Green software multi sourcing will help in assisting different issues that is related to the software development life cycle. Research questions and problems There are different researches questions related to the sustainable software development life cycle are as follows: Question 1: what are the different research topics that has been covered as well as addressed? Question 2: How has the different topics on research evolved over time? Question 3: How is the support for sustainability in the software development life cycle performed? Question 4: What are the different kinds of model that is applied and developed in order to understand the sustainability in the software development life cycle? Question 5: what are the different domains in the application is covered in the software development life cycle sustainability? Question 6: What are the different practices that have been properly identified in the literature that has been adopted by sustainability of the software development life cycle? Question 7: What are the different contributions that have been made by organizations in order to contribute properly towards the development of the sustainable as well as green software? There are different research problems relating to bringing proper sustainability in the software development life cycle in different organizations. The different problems have to be properly analyzed with proper usage of methodology along with different surveys as this will help in analyzing the issues properly. The different clusters have to be explained properly that will help in analyzing the different issues and solve such issues with proper implementation of different technological improvements in the different organizations (Plevin, Delucchi and Creutzig 2014). Methodology There are different research methodologies that can be applied in order to properly analyze the proper applied methodology that is correct in nature and this will help in defining different outputs as well with potentiality for the success of the research. There are different researches that can be applied is quantitative as well as qualitative in nature. The research design that is adopted is in accordance to the post positivism approach that will help in generating proper with proper authenticity as well as other verification. The proper effective authentication scheme has been applied with proper implementation of different technologies such as different models that will help in protecting the different issues that has been identified as well. As per Cabeza et al. (2014), the methodology that has been utilized helps in proper mixture of both qualitative as well as quantitative procedures. The entire research is shaped in order to understand the theoretical representation of the different qualitative aspects that is required in order to properly understand the different qualities of software that is required to be sustainable in nature. The entire research does not properly involve different schemes that are required in order to properly implement different strategies that will be operated in the field of data structures along with proper external integrity verifications as well. The research that has been properly selected for the entire future research is required to be such that it has to be line with the different research questions that has been formed in order to analyze the entire situations relating to the sustainability in the qualitative as well as quantitative methodologies that can be used in future in order to solve such issues. Analysis of the findings With the proper implementation of different studies conducted by (), the different team dynamics as well as other overall quality of the different results has to be analyzed as this will help in generating different correlation between the quality of the work as well as experience that is required in order to develop proper development aspects required for the proper development of the different issues in the software development life cycle. The analysis can be such that it will help in analyzing the different loopholes that is required in order to improve the different results that has been ascertained and this will help in analyzing the frequency as well as percentages with proper quantitative analysis. The proper SPSS analysis has been conducted in order to understand the different issues that have to be solved to gain proper data synthesis as well as collection of data as well Interpretation of research The main significance of the entire research that has been conducted is to properly analyze the different issues related to gaining proper sustainability in the software development life cycle. Proper analysis is required in order to understand the importance of the green software multi sourcing model that is required as this will help in gaining competitive advantage as well. With proper aspect of the different software that is required in order to analyze the different issues relating to gaining sustainability in the software development is essential in nature that is required and is essential in nature to understand the potentiality that is required for verification of the different database that is required in order to generate integrity as well (Ahmad and Ranka 2016). Conclusion Therefore, it can be inferred that proper models has to be used in an effective manner as this will help in proper ascertainments of the different issues related to bringing proper effectiveness in the research process. Proper effectiveness is essential and is required in character as this will assist in gaining competitive advantage in organization. the different issues has to be properly solved as this will assist in gaining effectiveness in the diverse measures that will be taken in the generation of sustainability in the software development life cycle. 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