Saturday, August 31, 2019
Dream Research Project Essay
What is a dream? Dreams are a symbol and link to the inner core of the human subconscious. Dreams as scientist say are stories our brains create while we are sleeping at night. Every dream is not the same, and their qualities depend, at least in part, on the stage of sleep in which they occur. There are different stages of sleep, REM sleep is the one dreams most appear in. REM stands for rapid eye movement in which brain activity is high and signaled by rapid horizontal movements of the eyes. Like all movies, dreams have story lines. Dreams in light sleep, stages 1 and 2, are like children’s movies short and simple. Dreams can be for as long as 20 minutes, to a few seconds. They can vary from normal and mundane, to surreal and bizarre. Dreams can often times drive creative thought, or provoke a sense of inspiration. Scientists believe everybody dreams, but sometimes we forget. We tend to forget when we naturally pass out of sleep through the traditional cycle. If a person is awoken directly from REM sleep (by an alarm clock), they are much more likely remember the dream from that REM cycle. Psychologists have also concluded that our daily activities while we are awake can have an affect on our dreams. However, scientists are unsure of what degree of an impact this makes on us. In one study a group of people wore red-tinted goggles before they went to sleep and there was another group that did not wear the goggles before they went to sleep. Even though anyone did not know the purpose of the study, when group that wore the goggles before they slept had woken the next morning, they had reported seeing more red images in their dreams than the people without goggles. According to First magazine, the average person has about 1. 460 dreams a year. That is 4 dreams every single day. In average you spend 10 to 30 percent of your sleeping time dreaming. You may think that vision is the only â€Å"dream sense†but it is not the only one. Vision is the prominent one, at least for sighted people. About half of all dreams an average person has have sound in them, but only 1 percent has taste, touch, or smell. However, a third of men and 40 percent of women have experienced smell or taste in a dream at least once in there life. Why do dreams occur? There is no shortage of theories as to why we dream. Some see dreaming as an important process through which all species with complex brains analyze and consolidate information. This is supported by the fact that most mammals dream. Other theories conclude that dreaming is nothing more than random brain activity that has little to no logical relevance. Another theory is that dreams reveal wishes or desires we are not aware of during waking hours. Unrelated to that completely another theory is that the human brain contains an ample overload store of information, memories, and emotions. During sleep, nerve cells fire at random, throwing bits of all of them together in random, wild ways. One of the first theories regarding dreams and dreaming was that Sigmund Freud. According to Sigmund Freud, dreams were heavy in symbolism and often showed the true intent and emotions of a human being. Freud saw dreams as wish fulfillment: disguised ways to satisfy unconscious desires that are too upsetting to face consciously. Dreams might therefore offer clues to unconscious conflicts. Freud For instance, sexual desires might appear in a dream as the rhythmic motions of a horseback ride, or conflicting feelings about a parent might appear as a dream about a fight. Freud called dreams the â€Å"royal road†to the knowledge of the unconscious mind. Freud’s analysis of dreams brought about much controversy, especially amongst contemporary psychologists. Psychologists of today believe that dreams do have meaning; however, meaning is based upon the individual, not a set logic or theory as proposed by Freud. A very popular theory today is that dreaming specifically through REM sleep is essential for making memories. Several observations support hypothesis. For one when learning a new skill, REM sleep episodes are more frequent and last longer. When the new skill is mastered, those measures drop back to the normal average. Also during REM sleep, areas in the brain’s memory forming regions appear to â€Å"replay†patterns of nerve firing associated with the new learning.
Friday, August 30, 2019
Marketing Mix AB Bank Limited
Compensation System of an industrial enterprise in Bangladesh: A case study of AB Bank Limited. 1. Historical Background of AB Bank AB Bank Limited, the first private sector bank under joint venture with Dubai Bank Limited. UAE incorporated in Bangladesh on 31st December 1981 & started its operation with effect from April 12, 1982.Dubai Bank Limited (name subsequently changed to Union Bank of the Middle east Limited) decided to off-load their investment in AB Bank Limited with a view to concentrate their activities in the UAE in early part of 1987 & in teams of Articles 23 A & 23B of the Articles of association of the company & with the necessary approval of the relevant authorities, the shares held by them in the Bank were sold & transferred to Group â€Å"A†Shareholders, i. e.Bangladesh Sponsor Shareholders. As of December 31, 2006; the authorized capital & the equity (paid up capital & reserve) of the bank are BDT 2000 million & BDT 2582. 76 million respectively. The spons or-shareholder holds 50% of the share capital; the General Public Shareholders hold 49. 43% & the rest 0. 57% shares are held by the Government of the People's Republic of Bangladesh. However, on individual sponsor shareholder of more then 10% of its total shares.Since beginning, the bank acquired confidence & trust of the public & business houses by rendering high quality services in different areas of banking operations, professional competence & employment of state of art technology. During the last 27 years, AB Bank Limited has opened 73 Branches in different Business centers of the country, one foreign Branch in Mumbai, India, two Representatives Officer in London & Yangon, Myanmar respectively & also established a wholly owned subsidiary finance. Company in Hong Kong in the name of AB Bank International Finance Limited.To facilitate cross border trade & payment related services, the Bank has correspondent relationship with over 220 international banks of repute across 58 count ries of world. 1. 2 Corporate Slogan Of AB Bank Ltd. : First Of Many Firsts 1. 3Vision: â€Å"To be the trendsetter for innovative banking with excellence & perfection†1. 4 Mission: â€Å"To be the best performing bank in the country†1. 5 Change Of Name: Arab Bangladesh Bank Limited changed its name to AB Bank Limited(ABBL) with effect from 14 November 2007 vide Bangladesh Bank BRPD circular letter no. 10 dated 22 November 2007. Prior to that shareholders of the bank approved the change of name in the Extra-Ordinary General Meeting held on 4 September 2007. 1. 6 Birth Of the Logo The coat of arms of the new logo is inspired by traditional â€Å"Shital pati †or â€Å"Sleeping mat†. The knit and the pattern of interlace in the new logo that echoes the intricate weave of Shital pati symbolizes bonding. This bonding reflects the new spirit of AB Bank. 1. 7 Product and Service of AB Bank The product and services of AB Bank are exposing the table Product |Se rvices | |Retail Banking |Locker Service | |Corporate Banking |Internet Banking | |SME Banking |SMS Banking | |Deposits Rate |New Cheque Book | |Money Transfer |Lost ChequeBook | |Islami Banking |Lost Credit/Debit Card | |AB Securities Limited |Fund Transfer | |Cards |Account Opening | |SME Banking |Address Change | |Loan Syndication |Signature Change | |NRB Banking |Account Closing | |Project Finance | | 1. 8 Organ Gram Of AB Bank Limited 1. 9 Corporate Information at a Glance Name Of the Bank:AB Bank Of Bangladesh Limited Status:Public Limited Company Date Of Incorporation:31 december 1981 Inauguration of the Jubilee Road Branch: 26th July , 1994. Head Office, BCIC Bhaban, 30-31, Dilkusha Commercial Area, Dhaka Registration No: C281461 (1992)/95 Chairman: Mr. M. Wahidul Haque Vice chairman: Salim AhmedPresident & Managing Director: Fazlur Rahman Authorized Capital: TK. 800 Million Director:11 Number Of Employees:3342 1. 10 Salary Structure of AB Bank Bangladesh Limited The salary structure of AB Bank mention to the stage of employee. Now describe the compensation of AB Bank bangladesh limited: Basic Pay: Basic pay is the root compensation which paid to the employee in depends on job responsibilities. House Allowance: AB Bank provides 40 to 50 percent house allowance and it depends on the level of employees position. Medical Allowance: AB Bank provide medical allowance for every employees. Lunch: AB Bank Provide the Lunch for employees 20 to 35 minute.Education: AB Bank provide education for employees childrens who are bright result in school collage and University. Training Hours: AB Bank are houner training hours. Utility Allowance: AB Bank are provide the utility allowance for an employees. pay for time not at work of AB Bank Sick Lecve: when an employee fall in sick for that reason an employee does not work that time AB Bank are granted the leave without panishment. Holidays: holidays are included his salary for that reason an employee get 100% salary. Ca sual Leave: An employee can take a casual leave 8 days in a year but not hampered in his salary. Emergency Leave: AB Bank are pay the salary when anybody die in employees family.Earn Leave: When an employees performance is very well that time bank authority are given reword by the leave that time AB Bank are paid the full salary. Other Leave: The AB Bank are declear different kinds of leave that time pay the full salary. Maternity Leave: it only for pregnent women are take a leave that time moth off with pay. Non Financial compensation of AB Bank: non financial compensation means incentives that are provided to employees by AB Bank in the form of indirect pay. â€â€Ã¢â‚¬â€Ã¢â‚¬â€Ã¢â‚¬â€Ã¢â‚¬â€Ã¢â‚¬â€Ã¢â‚¬â€Ã¢â‚¬â€œ Chairman Vice Chairman Board of Director Managing Director & President SEVP SEVP SEVP SEVP EVP EVP EVP EVP SVP SVP SVP SVP VP VP VP VP SAVP SAVP SAVP SAVP AVP AVP AVP AVP SPO SPO SPO SPO PO PO PO PO SO SO SO SO OFFICER OFFICER OFFICER OFFICER
Thursday, August 29, 2019
Britains Health Care Service Standards Management Essay
Britains Health Care Service Standards Management Essay According to Baggot Britains health care service standards are believed to be comparatively high in relation to other health care systems. This could be attributed to the recent critiques of healthcare management which has shifted focus onto the efficiency and effectiveness of operating systems (Baggot, 2004). With emphasis on public interest, health care provides a direct link with my proposed project. However, due to the broad nature and vast scope of sub units outside of the body image research area, analysis of the health sector as a whole would be unfeasible. Divulging further into the health industry, strategic focus has shifted onto support networks offered by the health profession. By tapering down areas of possible investigation, Beat, the UKs leading eating disorder charity has stood out as a specific organisation worth exploring. As with the public sector, strategy within the not-for-profit sector of business is complex as objectives tend to be a lot vaguer than ultimatel y adding shareholder value (Lynch, 2012). Funds are primarily derived from a selection of public contributions and commercial business backing so competition to obtain capital within this sector is fierce (Lynch, 2012). Differing from public and private sectors, fund raising expertise and human resourced based strategies are core resources for not-for-profit organizations and require vigilant analysis in order to identify the organisations strongest competencies (Lynch, 2012). Beat, formally known as the Eating Disorder Association, provides a network of support within the UK to assist people in ‘beating’ their eating disorder (Beat, 2010). The 2011- 2012 annual review reported that Beat directly helped over 10,000 individuals across the UK in that single year and they logged 1,871,423 visits to their website (Outram and Ringwood, 2012). Strategy Theorists have produced an array of varying strategy definitions; Johnson, Scholes and Whittington (2010) state that, strateg y encompasses â€Å"the direction and scope of an organisation over the long term, which achieves advantage in a changing environment†. Strategy is concerned primarily with two factors; organisations internal resources and its external environment and ultimately the linkage of these to optimise positioning. Largely, strategy utilises the future vision of the organisation, its sustainability and its growth opportunities (Carter, 2012). A key challenge in strategic implementation is how to create value and continue to do so in an incessantly developing industry states Carter (2012). He adds that for survival, as a necessity, a firm must add value to its inputs, whether through marketing processes or operational processes. This holistic view of the organisation assists in the development of distinctiveness through the establishment of a competitive advantage (Carter, 2012). This report will execute both an internal and external analysis of the charity, Beat; in terms of its posi tioning to provide reinforcement for possible strategic growth opportunities. Internal analysis Beat challenge â€Å"the stereotypes and stigma that people with eating disorders face†(Beat, 2010). The charity plays a vital role in media proceedings with the belief that the media is at risk of harming vulnerable people (Beat, 2010). Predictably, this shows that my research topic, of whether the media does influence perceptions on body image will be beneficial to Beat in providing possible clarity (Beat, 2010).
Wednesday, August 28, 2019
Human Resource Planning Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1500 words
Human Resource Planning - Essay Example This paper illustrates a comprehensive definition of Human Resource Planning provided on explains that it as â€Å"The ongoing process of systematic planning to achieve optimum use of an organization's most valuable asset - its human resources†. Human Resource Planning is a very important function of an organization, as it helps in developing a relationship between the employees of an organization and their tasks such that each employee contributes optimally to the organization without being either over-burdened or under challenged. Based on the needs of the employees and the organization, a Human Resource Manager may be required to develop one or more of a number of different types on Human resources plans. Common ones include Succession plans that help evaluate the manner in which individuals will be employed to positions that open up at higher levels in the hierarchy and the requirements for promotions. Another important and common plan is developing indivi dual employee’s Career plans, particularly at the managerial level. These plans help in identifying the skills and abilities of individuals; and involve providing them with the assistance that they require to find a better fit with the organization’s culture and climate so that they can play more valuable and demanding roles within the organization. Contingency plans are made when future requirements seem unclear; but indicative of changes; so that the human resources of an organization may need an overhaul either through development, recruitment or downsizing. (Tapomoy, 2009). Competency plans on the other hand, are similar to career plans; but with a focus on skill development as compared to hierarchical growth. Purpose of HRP Human Resource Planning serves a number of purposes. It helps in anticipating the changes in the staffing needs of an organization. Thus, it becomes possible for the organization to anticipate and respond to surplus staff or shortage of staff i n a way that ensures that at no point in time are the staff over burdened by the tasks that need to complete and thus at risk for reduced quality of functioning. At the same time, it ensures that each staff member is adequately challenged so that there is no underutilization of the existing resources (Rees & Porter, 2008). This ensures optimal expenditure on personnel; and helps in the development of a business plan with less wastage. Human Resource Planning is also concerned with the development of individual employees so that they continue to grow and contribute to the organization in multiple ways (Reilly, 1996). Thus, it involves the training and development of employees so that the employees gain more and improved skill sets and the organization grows as these skills are used by the employees (Reilly, 1996). Another important activity that does into Human Resource Planning is the investigation of the effect of policy changes on the functioning and productivity of staff as well as on staff morale (Bohlander &Snell 2009). When a manager attempts to develop a human resources plan, it is important to consider three components of this plan with equal vigor. Forecasting labor demand: It is important that the Human Resource Manager is able to predict with some accuracy the staffing requirements that will be required at new and existing locations at different points in the future (Mathis & Jackson, 2008) so that recruitment and downsizing plans can be developed to respond to these needs well in advance(Rees & Porter, 2008). This is particularly important for downsizing, as providing downsized staff with adequate time and options to cope with the changes is important from a humanistic perspective (Reilly, 1996). Analyzing present labor supply: Not only is it important to evaluate future needs, but also to evaluate the value of present staff (Mathis & Jackson, 2008). A Human Resource Manager needs to ensure that all staff is functioning optimally; and that these in dividuals are helped to
Tuesday, August 27, 2019
Implementation and Support Activities Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words
Implementation and Support Activities - Essay Example Therefore, organizations should have a budget for supporting and maintaining the systems that they have. Implementation activities are complex and interdependent as it involves the coordination of many people and tasks. The people involved perform implementation activities in programming and testing. It is risky as more time and resources are required while developing implementation activities (Satzinger, Jackson, & Burd 2010). The components used in software should minimize the use of recourse usage and maximize the testing of the system as well as to correct errors. Moreover, when implementing a change, the user, or the technical team need to know what parts need a replacement and ensure the resources required to implement the changes are secured (Yao, 2010). The design schedule and implementation activities need consideration and finally, the development of the testing plan for the changed system. In addition, implementation activities take place on a copy of the system that is operational. There is the production system that used on a daily basis, the test system that modifies the test changes. On the other hand, it is difficult to manage implementation, as activities should occur in a sequenced manner through monitoring the process. After the system is up and running, the user needs to be trained on using the new system. User support includes a help desk, a department that provides support to the end user. Help desks have employees who are trained to operate and install software’s. They also assist with any problems or questions that the user might have. Online documentation is built into an application and its main purpose is to provide the user with useful information that they can use whenever they need it. The technical team is a function within the IT department that offers maintenance services whenever needed. Additionally, system enhancement and maintenance activities ensure that there is proper functioning and the efficiency is
Monday, August 26, 2019
Lum v rice Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words
Lum v rice - Essay Example There was therefore need to correct the wrongs that the ruling had advanced. The solutions were thus to be advanced and the courts to change their position on the equal but separate policy. To solve the racial segregation menace the Waring dissenting in the case of Briggs vs Elliot (1955) seems to be proposing a number of solutions to be resorted to. This was inspired by the reversion of the earlier decisions in the case of Brown vs Board of Education of Topeka (1951) that stated that the courts there was need for quick action I seeing that there is admission of students to schools on a non-discriminatory basis (Briggs v Elliot). The deal with the racial segregation in schools the school authorities had to elucidate, assess and solve the racial issue by proving that their actions had to be guided by good faith. The courts were to be further guided by equitable principles which would call for elimination of obstacles in joining the schools what has been termed as affirmative action against segregation. Further the discriminatory laws were to be revised so as to reflect the non racial admission base to schools. (Briggs v Elliot) Affirmative action in the U.S against racial segregation was aimed at seeing that individuals of all races had equal opportunity to education and other services and to abolish the equal but separated policy that had been seen in the Lum vs Rice Case. As a policy, affirmative action sets up steps that will see the discriminated race is protected by the executive, the judiciary, the legislature and its agents by providing avenues and eliminating any obstacles that would have facilitated the discrimination. This has been seen by the increased lobby by the Civil Rights groups like the Leadership Conference on Civil Rights (LCCR) whose research shows the great success that affirmative action has brought to the discriminated races.(Robyn Kurland) Affirmative action will necessitate the change in law example
Policy Making and Contemporary Governance in the United Kingdom Essay
Policy Making and Contemporary Governance in the United Kingdom - Essay Example Within an organization, it is the board that takes care of the accountability of an organization to its â€Å"owners and stakeholders†. The essence on governance particularly relates to public traded organizations that mainly focus on accountability, responsibility and profitability. Corporate governance has all the more taken a significant position than it had in the earlier times (Jackson, Derose & Beatty, 2003, p.4). It was after the release of the Cadbury report in the year 1992 that corporate governance became a major concern in the UK. The focus of the Cadbury report was quite restricted to the financial parts of corporate governance. However, several other reports followed the Cadbury report and include â€Å"the Greenbury report (1995), the Hampel report (1998), the Smith report (2003), and the Higgs report (2003)†. The reports derived from these cases of UK imply that only particular issues in regard to corporate governance have been dealt that included the rev elations of compensations of directors and executives of the organization, appraisal committees, and the responsibility and efficacy of non executives in the company (Plessis, Hargovan & Bagaric, 2010, p.312). Although governance has been an old concept, however, it is recently that concerns have been given more importance on issues regarding good governance in an organization. Thus policy governance came into play and has been refined and articulated by different authors at different points of time. Policy governance refers to the theory that governs the business of public. The boards of organizations take the responsibilities towards achieving the organizational goals and objectives for which suitable corporate governance is highly necessary (Jackson, Derose & Beatty, 2003, p.5). This report would deal with a study on the approaches to the study of policy making that best help to understand the nature of contemporary governance in the UK. Corporate Governance in the UK: The Early Times: Corporate governance was defined by the Cadbury report as a â€Å"system by which companies are directed and controlled†(Keasey, Thompson & Wright, 2005, pp.22). Cadbury had realized that following good governance within an organization assists the organizational members and the authorities to deliver measures effectively thus driving the companies forward towards success. Failures in corporate governance may occur owing to inefficient performances by the organization which results in decrease in the level of profits. Secondly when an organization earns huge profits there may be a tendency among its members to share some amount of that profit in the way of excess remuneration. Thus to incur corporate management to provide effective and efficient performances, a good governance is a requirement (Keasey, Thompson & Wright, 2005, pp.22-23). It can be said that the governance reforms in the UK particularly started with the establishment of the Cadbury Committee that focus ed on issues relating to exercise of â€Å"creative accounting devices†, failures at the corporate levels, and public dissatisfaction over increasing rates of compensation of the executives of an organization. The recommendations of Cadbury focused mainly on the responsibilities of the executive officers within an organization. Thus the role of executives and non-executives were taken into concern and tried to be strengthened by the Cadbury recommendations along with additional progress (Keasey, Thompson & Wright, 2005, p.5). â€Å"Executive pay arrangements†offer a predominantly appealing argument for confirmation for corporate governance reforms. Several reformers have stressed their efforts on improving the transparency of remuneration process, trying not to affect the executive
Sunday, August 25, 2019
TEAM COMMUNICATION Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words
TEAM COMMUNICATION - Essay Example Team communication represents the message from the team and not from the whole team in disjointed fashion. Team communication is also dependent upon who does most of the talking and when. This is essential since there should be harmony and accord in the message that is delivered by the team and everyone needs to be on-board with what is being said and delivered by the team. There should be no misunderstandings in a team. Team communication demonstrates that the team is a whole rather than a disjointed unit. This gives the essence of a single core group that is talking to the general public. It also manifests that the team is committed and dedicated to its respective work ethics and it would not compromise on those principles however difficult the circumstances. There is also a need to appoint a leader who will do all the talking so that the fundamental message that goes out of the team is solitary. Leadership qualities require that the leader gets the best out of the group members no matter how hard and trying the circumstances are. However the role of a team leader cannot be denied its due place. Team communication guarantees that the whole team looks after each other and provides incentives to the working bases of each other. Team communication favors working as a single entity rather than working in different sub-groups which means there are problems within the team itself. The team leader is an essential part of the team – he decides who needs to do what and how things will shape up in the future. Team communication can only succeed if each and every team member knows his role and tries to justify his position within the team keeping in mind the assigned task and role. Responsibility thus have to be taken by the team members so that communication becomes easy. In the end, one must realize that team communication plays a central role towards the better functioning of team affairs and matters and it is best to have a
Saturday, August 24, 2019
Different Difficulties in Learning Children Essay
Different Difficulties in Learning Children - Essay Example In fact, he elaborates that such children need help in learning to do their own chores or paying closer attention to something important. Gates (2008) provides a more practical explanation of learning disability by saying that children with such difficulties cannot understand, learn, and communicate in comparison to other children. The normal procedure in which our brain processes information is extremely complex. In situations such as viewing an image or speaking, the brain has to process several tasks including retrieving information from memory, recognizing the data to transmit and processing the information to either store in memory or invoke the auditory parts for communication. Most of these activities occur at various locations in the brain, sometimes in a simultaneous fashion. The task of linking up and associating these various segments is the responsibility of our brain. In the case of people with learning disabilities, the only difference is with regards to the different m anner in which their brains process information unlike the case with other individuals. Thomas (2003) says that people with learning disabilities are not handicapped or lazy. Instead, he contends that they tend to have at least an average level of intelligence. Their difficulties simply arise from the different ways in which their brains process information. A broader scientific explanation to this phenomenon is explained by the four stages of information processing (Input, Integration, Storage and Output) under which learning disabilities are categorized. While people with input disabilities have problems with visual and auditory perception, individuals with integration difficulties are unable to categorize and interpret information from the input stage based on previous learning. Some learning difficulties occur in the later stages due to issues in retaining long-term memory. Several cases of learning disability occur much later during the information-processing scenario due to factors like muscle inhibition and lack of necessary motor skills.
Friday, August 23, 2019
Developing an effective strategic human resources plan Research Paper
Developing an effective strategic human resources plan - Research Paper Example ng and guidance along with the consideration for future as to how much work force might be needed in future and in what capacity and what exact department within the respective organization. The report gives details as to the importance of human resource planning in the city. According to the report the overall structure has expanded in a very complex manner, with salaries, the work staff, number of unions in the community, and departments all in a very haphazard and complex manner, thereby each of them need an effective human resource planning strategy in order to enable them working in the due manner desired. With factors like considerable amount about to retire by 2005, strategy needs to be devised in order to create their replacement and fill up for the vacuum that would be created afterwards. The aim behind the entire idea is to create a model community in Canada through the usage of human resource functions. Technology and information system means are adopted for this purpose to facilitate the overall process of community improvement. The idea is to convert the above stated equation into a relationship that serves the needs of the community. The enables and stakeholders in this case are the top heads in form of Mayor, managers, councils, the citizens, the entire scheme of plan, human resources and most importantly
Thursday, August 22, 2019
Comparative study of Verisign and TRUSTe Essay Example for Free
Comparative study of Verisign and TRUSTe Essay Web security: Comparison of websites of two companies, Verisign and TRUSTe In the modern world of business, where internet is being used on a large scale, web security is an important aspect that must be looked into for the purpose of development of business. This is extremely beneficial for people or organizations that are involved in e-commerce in some or other way. The advantage is that, if one is signing up with any of these two companies, they would provide a seal which would be displayed in the organization’s website. This would in turn increase the trust of their customers especially while passing highly confidential information such as credit card numbers. This would finally result in increasing their confidence in the organization and thereby increasing business. The present essay is intended to analyze and compare the websites of two such companies Verisign and TRUST e that offer web security for wide range of customers. Verisign provides a Secure Sockets Layer Certificate to the organizations who are signing up with them and they would provide a guarantee for security in e-commerce, communications and other interactions through internet. The other products include domain name services, identity and authentication services, enterprise security services, communication services, code signing, internet defense network and content and messaging services. In addition, they also provide a wide range of solutions for financial services, consumer products and retail companies, healthcare and life sciences and public sector. They offer extended validation services also to add on to the confidence on the site. From their website it could be understood that they offer 14 day trial offer to those who want to understand the benefit of signing up with them, before actually doing so. The site appeared to be very complex and loaded with unnecessary information. The link for existing customers did not show the names of any customer who are using their services currently. The important products of TRUSTe include web privacy seal, email privacy seal, EU safe harbor seal, Children’s privacy seal and Japan privacy seal. The site appeared to be simple less complex and could be easily understood. The mission of this company is the same as Verisign, but Children’s privacy seal which would guarantee security of information about child to the parent and Japan privacy seal which provide a security seal for all websites in Japanese language are additional programs in this site. The email privacy seal would be highly beneficial to those organizations that are undertaking email campaigns. EU safe harbor privacy seal would be beneficial to those who are doing business in Europe. It would be possible to get certification with EU Directive on Data Protection known as safe harbor framework, which is developed jointly by U. S. Department of Commerce and European Commission. This is an indication of world-class privacy standards. A trial offer is not provided in this site, but links for audio and video exerts that are intended for easy understanding of the products by clients are given. Another important attraction of the site is the display of satisfied customers for each of their programs who are world leaders in web business. Other interesting links include link for news related to web security and TRUSTe, industry events etc. They also publish a business newsletter which would carry information regarding the latest developments in the field of web security. Compared to Verisign the number of products specifically meant for business groups are less in this company. Solutions that include industry and business solutions offered by Verisign is not offered here. Thus after comparing the two site, it was found that the site of TRUSTe appeared to be simple to understand and less complex, but with more details and more helpful and truthful links. Verisign offers more products and even offer a trial period. It was felt that most of the big business organizations might prefer the service of Verisign compared to TRUSTe.
Wednesday, August 21, 2019
About the Future Essay Example for Free
About the Future Essay Basic research will show that legalizing this plant can benefit our country whether you smoke it or not. A simple lesson in supply and demand will show that legalizing marijuana would create a significant drop in price due to the elimination of the risk factors of growing and also selling paraphernalia. When the alcohol prohibition ended, the price dropped to a third of its prohibition cost. A study done by the Task Force on Cannabis Regulation to the Center for the Study of Drug Policy-Regulation and Taxation of Cannabis Commerce reveals that legalization could open up a tax revenue stream for governments. Licensing, taxing, and fees could generate up to 7 billion dollars a year not including the taxes on sales of paraphernalia, recreational establishments and new industries according to a study by the Congressional Budget Office with state sales tax being the factor in determining basic revenue In 1972, after reviewing the scientific evidence, the National Commission on Marihuana and Drug Abuse concluded that while marijuana was not entirely safe, its dangers had been grossly overstated. Since then, researchers have conducted thousands of studies of humans, animals, and cell cultures. None reveal any findings dramatically different from those described by the National Commission in 1972. In 1995, based on thirty years of scientific research editors of the British medical journal Lancet concluded that the smoking of cannabis, even long term, is not harmful to health. Marijuana is a good medicine for sick patients therefore it should be legalized because most patients say that marijuana helps them feel better. For example, patients use marijuana to fight symptoms caused by their sickness. Doctors and nurses all had patients who had used marijuana to fight nausea and who have reported good results. That is saying that marijuana is an effective way to help fight off bad symptoms. Marijuana is a good medicine to help get rid of bad feelings. Drug education and prevention programs reduced marijuana use during the 1980s. Since then, our commitment has slackened, and marijuana use has been rising. By expanding and intensifying current anti-marijuana messages, we can stop youthful experimentation. There is no evidence that anti-drug messages diminish young peoples interest in drugs. Anti-drug campaigns in the schools and the media may even make drugs more attractive. Marijuana use among youth declined throughout the 1980s, and began increasing in the 1990s. This increase occurred despite young peoples exposure to the most massive anti-marijuana campaign in American history. In a number of other countries, drug education programs are based on a harm reduction model, which seeks to reduce the drug-related harm among those young people who do experiment with drugs. Cigarettes and alcohol are more dangerous than marijuana, which it should be legalized. A lot of research has been done to prove it. Cigarettes are horrible for health and alcohol causes many bad things to happen. This quote shows how marijuana is less harmful then tobacco and alcohol. Experts do believe that moderate marijuana use is relatively less harmful to the user than either tobacco or alcohol. Cigarettes and alcohol are legal and cause more of health problem then marijuana. Moderate smoking of marijuana appears to pose minimal danger to the lungs. Like tobacco smoke, marijuana smoke contains a number of irritants and carcinogens. But marijuana users typically smoke much less often than tobacco smokers, and over time, inhale much less smoke. As a result, the risk of serious lung damage should be lower in marijuana smokers. There have been no reports of lung cancer related solely to marijuana, and in a large study presented to the American Thoracic Society in 2006, even heavy users of smoked marijuana were found not to have any increased risk of lung cancer. Unlike heavy tobacco smokers, heavy marijuana smokers exhibit no obstruction of the lungs small airway. That indicates that people will not develop emphysema from smoking marijuana. Marijuana is a remarkably safe and non-toxic drug that can effectively treat about 30 different conditions, he tells Web MD. I predict it will become the aspirin of the 21st century, as more people recognize this.
Tuesday, August 20, 2019
Systems To Involve Stakeholders In The Planning Change Management Essay
Systems To Involve Stakeholders In The Planning Change Management Essay Prior to implementing a companywide change, it is important to get stakeholders on board. Organisations take their stakeholders into confidence, just to ensure the smooth transition, since they are the one who will be affected by the change. For an organisation stakeholder can be its employees, customers, suppliers, shareholders, managers, government, local community, creditors etc. n order to achieve this goal, stakeholder analyses are carried out. Stakeholder Analysis The process of identifying those who will be affected by the actions of organisation. It also enables the managers to analyze the attitudes of stakeholders towards the change. In order to carry out these analysis, following steps are taken: Identify the stakeholders in stakeholder analysis the first step is to come up with the list of any who will be affected by the organisational actions, this can include an individual, a group or an organisation. The possible stakeholders for Gill Construction can be: new Managing Director previous MD senior managers suppliers lenders / banks customers public future recruits, environment protection groups regulatory bodies Prioritize your stakeholders For organisations the list of stakeholders can be very long, in one case of university 20,000 stakeholders were identified. This doesnt mean that everyone is very important to the organisation. Hence the next step in stakeholder analysis is to prioritize stakeholders. This can be done using Power / Interest Grid. Using this grid, Gill construction can identify their key stakeholders, which can be: new Managing Director senior managers suppliers lenders / banks customers public environment protection groups and regulatory bodies existing workforce Stakeholder analysis strategy Understand Your Key Stakeholders this is the last step in stakeholder analysis. It focuses on understanding the key stakeholders, and defines the way they will be affected. It also highlights the interests stakeholders have with the organisation. It answers the following question: What financial or emotional interest do they have in the outcome of change? Is it positive or negative? What motivates them? What information do they want? How do they want to receive information? What is the best way of communicating with them? What is their current opinion? Is it based on good information? Who influences their opinions generally? Do some of these influencers therefore become important stakeholders in their own right? If they are not likely to be positive, what will win them around to support change? How to manage their opposition How they can influence others by their opinion? Convergence and Divergence Another model adopted by management gurus to analyze the stakeholders. It enables the managers to identify the factors which are opposing the stakeholders and which are supporting it. Divergence analysis of the factors which are opposing the change for stakeholders. The first step is to identify the basic change factors which are causing the opposition, these can be beliefs, values, and goals associated with the stake holders. Managers need to answers like What are their beliefs about change and which have led them to oppose it? What are the values being transgressed by change actions? Are their stress values being triggered? How is the change affecting their career social goals? Managers also need into their perception of the change, analyzing this can give them huge edge converting their opposition. They need to answer questions like What do they think about change? What do they think will happen? How do they look at other stakeholders? Convergence elements which are supporting the change. It is much focused on those who oppose the change. Managers need to understand who they are dealing with, what they are capabable how and how they can affect them. For-example A regulatory body or HSE will have permission to shut down the work in progress if they find anything in violation of the laws. Also in case of Supply chain, they may also ruin their relationship with the supplier. Banks and Lenders will have their leverage over the organisation since a loan was taken for the purchase of new machinery. Managers need to look into the following cases: How the stakeholder will be managed? Do they need any leadership or they will just follow? What made them follow the leadership How will they support the change? How prepared are they for the change? Evaluate the systems used to involve stakeholders in the planning of change Stakeholders Circle: A tool designed to gain stakeholder commitment and involve the key stakeholders in developing a change management strategy. This cycle has six steps and also known as Six Steps Stakeholders Cycle Identify the stakeholders The first step is to identify the key stakeholders, which can influence and have interest within the organisation. Prioritize the stake holders Managers need to identify the key stakeholder using the Power-Interest Grid. For Gill Construction these key stakeholders are : MD Employees Management Customers Suppliers Regulatory Bodies Map the Profile next step is to map the profile, how will they be affected, what is in the change for them, how they can be supported, what kind of support we can get from them, what are their culture and values. All the questions will be answered at this point Engagement strategy At this point a managers need to decide how they are going to address the issues of stakeholders in order to gain their commitment and support. New MD of Gill Construction need to hold a meeting with management of the company. Clearly define what He wants to achieve and what his goals are. Since his goal is to improve the quality of the work done and also expand the business. It will be then the job of Management to directly contact their respective staff members and explain the situation to them. Ideas for improvement will be taken. Meeting and Presentations will be held with suppliers and explain your objective to them. Also Management will seek advice from regulatory bodies to assists them in improving the H S at workplace. Banks and Lenders will also be taken into confidence. A clear business plan will be presented to them. Optimise their Support next step in this cycle is to optimise the support from stakeholders. Managers need to be very clear and specific about their objective to the stakeholder and try to get most out of them. They need to keep good relationships with their lenders/ banks and suppliers. Monitor the last and final stage is to monitor the strategy. They need to keep going back to their stakeholders and ensure their support is still with them. If they have any kind of doubts they need to clear them out. Develop a change management strategy with stakeholders A strategy will be formed which will help management at Gill Construction to gain commitment from their stakeholders. A general change management strategy involves three steps: Situational awareness before a companywide change is implemented, everyone will be made aware of the change and what is going to happen in result of this change. A vision will be created Stakeholders will be informed that how this will effect. Suppliers will be notified about what will be expected of them. Employees will be taken into confidence to avoid panic. Supporting structures second step is to structure teams and sponsor coalition. They will be debriefed about who is going to do what. If they will be let go off, they will be informed at this stage. They will be informed that they need to trained to operate the new machinery. Bank or Lender will be informed about new purchases and equipment. New policy about H S will be sent to HSE and they will be informed about it. Suppliers will be contacted and new terms regarding JIT will be set, also material price will be revisited. Strategy analysis this stage involves risk analysis to be carried out. what degree of risk is involved in this change. What will happen if this strategy fails. In case there is no progress even after this change, what will we do, what if lenders refuse to pass a load. In case of resistance from stakeholders a resistance to change strategy will be required. Management will give their best to negotiate on good terms with the suppliers and use the bargaining power. Management also need to convince the bank and lenders to pass the load and take them into confidence. Create a strategy for managing resistance to change It is in human nature that whenever they are asked to move out of their comfort zone or change, they resist it. When organisations go under change it is very obvious that stakeholders will be afraid of its outcome. Hence it is very important to manage this resistance because this resistance can raise the risk factor during the change or transition process. Passive versus Active Resistance A framework adopted from Active Passive Being critical Agreeing verbally but not following through Ridiculing failing to implement change Appealing to fear Procrastinating or dragging one feet Using facts selectively Feigning ignorance Blaming or accusing Withholding information, suggestion, help or support Intimidating or threatening Standing by or allowing change to fail Manipulating Blocking Starting rumours Arguing Managing Resistance Before a change is implemented it is very important for managers to either eliminate resistance completely or bring it down to a very lower level such that it has a very minor effect. There can be number of ways for managing this resistance. Some of the ways adopted by Gill Construction can be: Communication everyone within the organisation should be made aware of the situation. Managers need to communicate openly with all the stakeholders and discuss the issues with them. Even if they are supporting the change management need to check with them back to back to ensure the full commitment. Management need to hold meetings, brainstorming session with the staff and communicate with them. Suggestions will be taken from the staff and their participation will be encouraged. Training staff will be provided with appropriate training to build up their skills so that they can operate the new machinery. This will help to eliminate the resistance put up by the operational workforce. Also work-shops will be held with other staff to ensure that they are not left behind. They will be provided with the information and steps involved in this transition will be explained to them. Feedback Taking feedback or suggestions from the stakeholders is always the best way to gain their commitment. This shows to them that management is still listening to them and they hold a value to them. Taking feedback about the training is also good to monitor the staff performance.
Monday, August 19, 2019
Rab7a and CMT2b Essay -- Biology, Proteins, Cells
Rab7a and Charcot-Marie-Tooth Disease Type 2b The aim of this essay is to review recent research into the Rab7a gene mutations and the mechanistic causes of Charcot Marie Tooth disease type 2b. It will ascertain if there is a clear forerunner in terms of theory of pathology due to Rab7a mutations. Any specific potential treatments for CMT2b that have been discovered will also be investigated Rab7a is a gene that provides the instructions to make the protein Rab7. Rab7 is one of over sixty Rab proteins identified within mammalian cells, all of which belong to the Ras superfamily. All Rab proteins are involved with the endo/exocytic, secretory pathways and each one associates with its own specific membranes and organelles, although it may share a membrane with another Rab protein. Rab7 has been discovered to function in the late endosomes, lysosomes and the autophagosomes. Like all Rabs, Rab7 is a monomeric GTPase that cycles from an active, GTP-associated, membrane-bound state to a GDP-associated state that is found in the cytosol as part of a complex with the soluble Rab GDP-dissociation inhibitor (GDI). To activate Rab7, a membrane bound guanine nucleotide exchange factor (GEF) is needed. Once the Rab7 has gained a GTP at the loss of GDP and become anchored into a plasma membrane by a hydrophobic lipid anchor, two ‘switch’ regions conformationally change to allow recruitment and binding of other effector proteins that assist with vesicle transport, membrane tethering and fusion. See figure 1. Hydrolysis of GTP is accelerated by GTPase-activating factors (GAPs), and membrane insertion and extraction is partially coupled to nucleotide exchange (Grosshans et al, 2006) ... ...hin the cell may be particularly pronounced in the longer neurites of the extremities, providing support for Spinosa et al’s (2008) previous suggestion that CMT2b mutations affect the longer neurons due to the increased distance that molecules have to travel compared to other neurons. Valproic acid has been found to stimulate neurite growth in the presence of CMT2b-associated Rab7 mutants through Erk. Valproic acid (VPA) is a short-branched fatty acid, a mood stabiliser it is normally used to treat bi-polar disorder, and as an anticonvulsant (Manji et al, 2001 IN: Yamauchi et al, 2010). Yamauchi et al in 2006/2007 reported that VPA promoted neurite growth through the c-jun N-terminal kinase (JNK) pathways in mouse neuroblastoma cells. In 2010, Yamauchi et al studied the effect of VPA in a neuropathy model, again in mouse neuroblastoma cells (N1E-115 cells)
John Marshall: The Most Influential Chief Justice of the Supreme Court
John Marshall: The Most Influential Chief Justice of the Supreme Court In the beginning years of the United States Constitution, the Supreme Court was a struggling institution due to the lack of effectiveness of the Chief Justices and was not highly regarded by the executive and legislative branches of the government. The third Chief Justice in only twelve years, John Marshall put an end to the Supreme Court’s lack of influence after his appointment by President John Adams in 1801. John Marshall was the most influential Chief Justice of the Supreme Court because he was the first to make it a just and effective establishment that was equal to the two other branches of government by his court rulings and policies. Through his first case, Marbury v. Madison, Marshall formed a foothold for the Supreme Court through his administration of judicial review. In this case, Marbury had not received his judicial commission after President Adams was elected. Former President Thomas Jefferson had instructed his Secretary of State, James Madison not to pay Marbury. Marbury then sued ...
Sunday, August 18, 2019
Effects of Inflation Essay -- Economy Economics Money Essays
Effects of Inflation Inflation is the most commonly used economic term in the popular media. A Nexis search in 1996 found 872,000 news stories over the past twenty years that used the word inflation. "Unemployment" ran a distant second. Public concern about inflation generally heats up in step with inflation itself. Though economists do not always agree about when inflation starts to interfere with market signals, the public tends to express serious alarm once the inflation rate rises above 5 or 6 percent. Public opinion polls show minimal concern about rising prices during the early 1960s, as inflation was low. Concern rose with inflation in the late 1960s and early 1970s. When inflation twice surged to double-digit levels in the mid and late 1970s, Americans named it public enemy number one. Since the late 1980s, public anxiety has abated along with inflation itself. Yet even when inflation is low, Americans tend to perceive a morality tale in its effects. A recent survey by Yale economist Robert Shiller found that many Americans view differences in prices over time as a reflection of fundamental changes in the values of our society, rather than of purely economic forces. Economists think of inflation more plainly as a "sustained rise in the general level of prices." Their concerns focus on questions such as whether inflation distorts economic decisions. Very high inflation adversely impacts economic performance, as evidence from cross-country studies shows. Likewise, moderate levels of inflation can distort investment and consumption decisions. Recent U.S. experience with low, stable levels of inflation, in the range of 2 to 3 percent, has spurred policy makers to consider the possibility of achieving zero percent inflation. Reducing inflation however has costs in lost output and unemployment during the adjustment. Thus, an important question is wheth... ... would not allow massive inflation. Americans' feeling of pride in national institutions depends in part on low inflation or "sound money" as a signal of healthy fiscal and monetary institutions. Finally, inflation can discourage saving and encourage consumption. It thus is perceived as an attack on certain moral virtues -- a strong work ethic, deferred gratification -- that support a healthy economy. John Maynard Keynes made his famous attack on the Victorian virtue of saving -- always "jam tomorrow and never jam today" -- for economic reasons. Consumption in a depression or a recession could strengthen the economy, in his view. But British society took Keynes's mockery as an assault on the core of Victorian morality. Many Americans likewise feel that inflation assaults the legacy here of the Protestant work ethic that places a moral premium on saving over consumption. Fighting inflation thus is seen by many as a moral as much as an economic duty. Americans want their public officials to fight inflation to increase long-term output and employment but perhaps also to strengthen society's moral foundation.
Saturday, August 17, 2019
Albinism Essay
Albinism Background Information Albinism is a genetic disorder which affects the amount of melanin produced, in a person’s skin, hair, or eyes. Oculocutaneous albinism, Ocular albinism, and Hermansky-Pudlak syndrome are other names for this genetic disorder. The disorder affects mostly men, because it is a recessive gene. Females are usually carriers. Albinism does not affect any specific ethnic or religious group. Symptoms/ Effects This Genetic Disorder affects the eyes, skin, or hair’s pigmentation. If an organism has albinism, it has little or no color in a specific part of its body. Albinistic skin burns easily. People with this disorder have to take special precautions to avoid sunburns and diseases such as skin cancer. Most types of Albinism also affect the eyes. Symptoms affecting the eyes include Crossed eyes, Light sensitivity, Rapid eye movements, Vision problems, and functional blindness. Albinistic people may have to limit their outdoor activities to avoid too much exposure to the sun. This disorder itself is not life threatening. However albinism affects many animals’ camouflage, and makes them easy prey. A human’s life span can be shortened by lung disease or bleeding problems from a form of Albinism, Hermansky-Pudlak Syndrome. Testing/ Diagnostics This disorder can be detected simply by looking for pale or unnatural colored eyes, hair, or skin. To make sure, scientists use genetic tests to affirm that a person has albinism. Ophthalmologists also conduct electroretinograms to detect any optical problems. Causes Albinism is a recessive gene that can only be inherited. It is not sex-linked. Treatments Albinism cannot be cured, but it a person with albinism can wear colored contacts or sunglasses to comfort and protect their eyes. They can wear sun block and stay indoors to protect their skin. Name: Vivian Ray (Vivia)? Age: 17? Gender: F? Appearance: There, you see her first thing you notice when you see Vivia, is her grace. From her delicate structure to her fluid motions, she is elegant and nimble. Vivia has dark black/brown hair pulled into a messy bun with an ornate pen sticking out of it. She has overgrown bangs, that fall into her face. She has an odd way of talking, she looks at you straight in the eyes with her bright grey irises, while speaking with long embellished sentences in a melodic voice. Vivia does not appear to be intimidating or weak. But at the same time, both. She holds herself tall and her eyes seem be a portal to her her inner depths.? Abilities/Talents: Vivia once ice-skated and did ballet. She is moderately athletic. Vivia’s main talent is writing. She often walks around in the park trying to find the perfect word to decribe the leaves slowly falling down, or the prints in the snow. She has her own column in the Elwood High newspaper called â€Å"On the Bright Side†? Basic Likes/Dislikes:? Likes: Vivia like things that are well though out, poems, artwork, and anything else. She loves sour things, and is often sucking a lemon head. When asked her favorite color she thinks of her late mother’s grey eyes (the only trait she inherited from her mother) and replies without hesitation, grey. She loves fruit and would pick it over any other dessert, likes listening to instrumental music . She also likes to reread her dog-eared copies of Shakespeare in her free time.? Dislike: The number one thing Vivia dislikes is being wrong. She does not like the uncertainty and indecisiveness she often suffers from. She also does not like people who stereotype and make assumptions about her. She tends to not work as hard if she is forced to do something instead of herself choosing to do something. Vivia also absolutely hates suspense, and has yet to read a full mystery without skipping to the end.? Personality: Vivia, is usually not the loudest person, and often simply listens in the background. However, her writing truly shows who she is, and wants to be. She is often caught dreaming about what would happen if her life were different. She has a temper if you annoy her enough to find it. She can be stubborn, and is very fair.? Background Information: As a senior at Aberle High, Vivia is being pressured into making the big decision as to what career path she should choose. Her father is pushing her toward a doctorate, while she would rather become an author.? Relationships: Vivia’s mother was a journalist and died in a car accident while driving to the scene of er next story. She lives with her father and little brother. She loves her father and wants to make him proud. There, you see her, leaning against a tree
Friday, August 16, 2019
The bad things about Obama’s economic plan in foreign policy
To say the economic state of America is the most pressing need on the minds of most Americans today, would certainly not be too far from the truth. This is perhaps why both candidates realize that they have to say something at least on this subject. It is sad however to note that Obama’s plans depict a gross lack of understanding of our economic travails. Indeed, a group of respected economists noted recently that â€Å"Barack Obama’s economic proposals are wrong for the American economy†. Firstly, Obama proposes an overall increase in tax rates just as he admits that this proposal would not serve a weak economy. One wonders therefore how he thinks this would work in present day America. Or is this the strong economy Obama imagines for Americans? Increased tax rates would raise federal spending, bring about a slow in economic growth and of course result in massive job losses which of course heads us for another depression which we sure do not pray for. Again, Obama intends to end America’s trade ties the world over. Now, to decide against international trade is certainly not in our best interest, at least not in these times for the economists said â€Å"international trade is also a powerful source of strength in a weak economy†. Also, more jobs are created when we export our goods abroad and cheap products are also imported for the middle class and low income earners to especially to consume. It is this set of people that Obama’s plans would deprive of this veritable source of livelihood. As part of his plans, he also wishes to withdraw American forces from Iraq so as to free funds for the local economy. But we know that can not be true when an holistic view of the costs and benefits of the war would become after such rash withdrawal. In conclusion, Obama’s plans lack depth and appear destined to fail beyond redemption if allowed to run.
Thursday, August 15, 2019
The Ambition in Nursing: Individual Growth and Development towards Providing Quality
The nursing health care system is as an integral part of the society as any other sectors promoting human development. The nursing profession has attended to the health care needs of the people for many years already. It is a profession which has endured many challenges, and progressed into an institutionalized sector in the health care system dedicated to commit and serve the society’s need. It is a profession embedded in the principles of dedication, care, and professionalism. However, as challenges persist in the nursing work force around the world, this has posed a serious challenge in the role of the nursing profession.Fagerberg (2002) stated in his study that the metaphor of nursing care is entailed in a woven fabric. The goal of nursing professionals is to create a role which is for the people’s health, rather than the entire health system. Nursing care entails the ambition of nursing to promote a need for consistent and clear statement of concern for patients. O ne of the pressing problems in the health care sector is the volatile supply and increasing demands for professional nurses as mentioned by Grene and Puetzer (2002).Different strategies have aimed to entice new nurses in the profession, and retain and support them in the delivery of high patient-care. As Grene and Puetzer (2002) mentioned, their lies a difficulty in the health care system to promote nursing as a future profession. The current nursing crisis has also developed a dilemma by which led some nurses towards another career because of disillusionment, and because they do not feel valued for their hard work. The crisis in the nursing profession must work on developing a new paradigm wherein opportunities and presented, and need of the nurses are met. Ambition in NursingCurtin (2001) describes ambition and integrity with significant influence of with and wisdom. For nursing professionals wanting to develop in the field, ambition governs their passion and desire to succeed and achieve. The motivation to attain an ambition can constitute various reasons depending on the subjective views of a nurse. However, in this paper, we briefly describe how the idea of succeeding one’s ambition must be attuned with attaining a character with integrity. Nurses who are essentially in the profession to succeed must realize the essence of the process, rather than the ultimate gain at the end.Having ambition in nursing must not be disillusioned with the current and persisting challenges of the profession. Some nurses have become discouraged over the fact that in real-life context, their idea of nursing while they were still studying becomes suddenly buried when they realize the problems they dealing. Some simply has become disillusioned and starts to find a new career path, others simply gets dismayed and lose the encouragement of growing as part of the health care system. Ambition is for personal gain.Nurses are faced with the difficulty to maintain as promoters o f moral leadership because of problem inherent in the system within they work. Hamric (1991) argues that repeated exposure of nurses in the insensitive and sometimes even immoral behaviors may influence a nurse’s personal conscience. Psychological pressures can greatly influence a nurse’s motivation to pursue his or her own ambition. Nash (1990) adds that existing problems in the health care system can also subvert good intentions and goals of an individual.Rognstad, Aasland, and Granum (2004) concluded in their recent study about the future career option of nursing students that 80% of their respondents regard getting their bachelors degree as a basis for building on a further education. Motives of the respondents were also measured through the variables human contact, helping others, and job security was significantly considered. Among the respondents who emphasized this ambition in graduating with a degree is shown to be less interested in giving care and help to ot hers. In the study, the authors were able to analyze and confirm this attitude through in-depth interviews.In another study, authors Ingersoll et al. (2002) determined the characteristics of New York nursing work force to assess their level of job satisfaction and commitment in their setting. Brought by the demands of the challenges surrounding the nursing profession, investigations have suggested the high dissatisfaction of nurses in the health care environment and their likelihood of leaving their profession. In the study, respondents of the study indicate that personal, organizational characteristics and commitment have contributed to their intent of pursuing their nursing ambition in a span of 1 to five years more.Also shown in this study is the intent of satisfied and committed nurses to leave within the next five years. Findings of this investigation suggest the organizational environment, educational preparation, and personal characteristics of currently employed registered n urses affect their current job satisfaction, organizational commitment, and plans for continuing as a nurse Ingersoll et al. (2002). The impeding challenges in the nursing health care system is bringing more nurses into a dilemma to stay committed and dedicated in pursuing their individual career ambitions.As nursing shortage and retention has lead to several nurses option to leave the profession, the system must encourage the new blood of younger generation nurses to pursue their options in the field. Several factors contributing to their commitment and dedication in the field is due to the inability of the system to promote individual development. Lack of opportunity and options or nurses also makes them vulnerable and makes them rethink of their options. Nursing must address the need of the system to uphold individual development and growth, along with providing quality health care and meeting the increasing demand.Changes have progressively developed strategies, and hopefully so on it will motivate nurses to pursue their ambition in the field. References: Curtin L. (2001). Preserving your integrity while building your career. Nursing Administration Quarterly, 25 (2), pp. 1-4. Fagerberg, A. M. (2002). The woven fabric – a metaphor of nursing care: the major subject in nursing education. Scandinavian Journal of Caring Sciences, 16 (2), pp. 115-21. Grene, Maureen T. ; Puetzer, Mary (2002). The Value of Mentoring: A Strategic Approach to Retention and Recruitment. Journal of Nursing Care Quality, 17 (1), p67-75. Hamric, Ann (1999).The Nurse as Moral Agent in Modern Health Care. Nursing Outlook, 47 (3), p. 106. Ingersoll G. L. , Olsan T, Drew-Cates, J. , DeVinney, B. C. , and Davies, J. (2002). Nurses' job satisfaction, organizational commitment, and career intent. The Journal of Nursing Administration, 32 (5), pp. 250-63. Nash, Lauren (1990). Good Intentions Aside: A Manager’s Guide to Resolving Ethical Problems. Cambridge, MA: Harvard University Press. Rognstad, M. K. , Aasland, O. , and Granum, V. (2004). How do nursing students regard their future career? Career preferences in the post-modern society. Nurse Education Today 24 (7), pp. 493-500.
Wednesday, August 14, 2019
Investigating Special Education Essay
The DSP is committed to making sure all students with disabilities have equal education. The DSP offers a variety of services for disabled children. They have a Disability Specialist that identifies the disabled student’s personal needs. 2. National Collaborative on Workforce and Disability (NCWD) http://ncwd-youth. info Is a source for information about work and youth’s with disabilities. They are experts in employment, education, disabilities and the development of workforce and family issues. 3. OSERS-Office of Special Education and Rehabilitative Services www. 2ed. gov/about/offices/list/osers/nidrr/index. htm This is a main federal agency that supports training, applied research and development to improve the lives of people with disabilities. They are known for generating new knowledge and promoting and improving the disabled person’s ability to perform normal everyday task of their choice in a community setting. 4. Team (START) Special Needs Technology Assessment Resource Support Nsnet. org/start/learning. pdf There is a lot of technology available today where students can learn to cope with their learning disabilities to use technology, programming team, the teacher should understand the nature of the different learning by diagnosis and assessments. This only works if the technology matches the student’s needs. (Annapolis Valley Regional School Board 1996) 5. The National Education Association (NEA) www. nea. org/specialed The National Education Association supports a free, appropriate public education for all students with disabilities in a least restrictive environment, which is determined by maximum teacher and parent/guardian involvement. There must also be a full continuum of placement options, services, and delivery models available to students with disabilities. (National Education Association, 2002-2013). 6. Special Needs Center www. friendshipcircle. org/ This is a nonprofit organization that put teens and special needs people together to help them form a bond of friendship and they participate in many different weekly and seasonal programs. There are 25 weekly and seasonal programs. 7. Special Education Support Services (SESS) www. projectgenesis. us/. SESS is approved by the Connecticut Department of Education Transition Program for students with intellectual disabilities. The program includes job explorations, daily living skills assessment & instruction, accessing community resources, social interactions and application of functional academics like budgeting the community and vocational assessments most students receive support in behavioral or social areas that have hindered them from growing and learning in the past (Justin Fox, Mentor) 8. National Center for Learning Disabilities www. ncld. org Your child has the right to a free and appropriate public school education. Getting involved in his or her education is among the most important things you can do as your child’s advocate. As you’ll see below, you have a right to be a part of every decision regarding your child’s education, including the process of finding out if your child needs special services. You know your child best, and your input should be considered at every opportunity. (NCLD Editorial Team) 9. Michigan Law Center www. lawfirmdetroitmichigan. com/ They are dedicated to providing effective comprehensive plans for families with children with special needs. They handle medical issues, financial issues, and social issues. They also help families find the resources they need. 10. The M. O. R. G. A. N Project www. themorganproject. org/ The M. O. R. G. A. N Project is a community based organization of volunteers who promotes awareness and facilitates support for parents with special needs children. They also enhance the Quality of Life for these families (Robert and Kristen Malfara, 2013) 11. American Academy of Child and Adolescent Psychiatry www. aacap. org/ They state that children with special needs are entitled to receive additional services or accommodations throughout their years in public schools. Every child deserves a free appropriate education in a least restrictive environment available. Three Federal Laws apply especially to special needs children. 12. SOS Children’s Village, their motto is a loving home for every child. www. sos-usa. org/ As the most universally ratified human rights instrument, the United Nations Convention on the Rights of the Child, spells out those basic human rights that all children everywhere are entitled to. Its underlying values, or â€Å"guiding principles†, serve as a constant reference for the interpretation and implementation of children’s rights. (SOS) 13. Stand-Up (Stand University for Parents) stand. org/national/action/stand-up This is a research based family engagement course for parents with children in elementary school. They focus on actionable steps for parents to learn how to get involved in their child’s education and they make sure the child is ready for college if they choose to go. 14. Special Education News www. specialednews. com/ This site says that remedial instruction is aimed at improving an ability or skill in each student with special needs. They use many different techniques, for example, repeating information, more practice session, explain several times and devoting time o work on the student’s skills. The teacher leads them through the process. 15. Mission Valley Special Education Local Plan (SELPA) www. fremont. k. 12ca. us/Page/302 The Mission Valley Community Advisory Committee (CAC) brings together parents and professionals to promote the education of children with special needs. The CAC sponsors events to support awareness of parent’s rights, services available within the Tri-City community, and increase disability awareness. (Judith Cameron, Director, Special Services & Mission Valley, SELPA) References: Disabled Students Program dsp. berkeley. edu/ National Collaborative on Workforce and Disability (NCWD) http://ncwd-youth. info OSERS-Office of Special Education and Rehabilitative Services www. 2ed. gov/about/offices/list/osers/nidrr/index. htm Team (START) Special Needs Technology Assessment Resource Support Nsnet. org/start/learning. pdf National Education Association (NEA) www. nea. org/specialed Special Needs Center www. friendshipcircle. org/ Special Education Support Services (SESS). www. projectgenesis. us/ National Center for Learning Disabilities www. ncld. org Michigan Law Center www. lawfirmdetroitmichigan. com/ The M. O. R. G. A. N Project www. themorganproject. org/ American Academy of Child and Adolescent Psychiatry www. aacap. org/ SOS Children’s Village, their motto is a loving home for every child. www. sos-usa. org/ Stand-Up (Stand University for Parents) stand. org/national/action/stand-up Special Education News www. specialednews. com/ Mission Valley Special Education Local Plan (SELPA) www. fremont. k. 12ca. us/Page/302.
What did you learn about yourself from the Discovery Wheel and Develop Essay
What did you learn about yourself from the Discovery Wheel and Develop Your Multiple Intelligences exercises in the text How might you use this information in your Learning Team - Essay Example In terms of Developing Multiple Intelligences, I found the possible characteristics pertaining to types of intelligence that focus on writing letters, making careful plans, enjoying books, working with one’s hands, singing, using journals, taking leadership positions as being manifested. The learning strategies that I realized that are associated with these characteristics are: writing notes, analyzing tasks, drawing or visualizing alleviating wandering, engaging in hands-on activities, playing music during breaks, keeping journals and sharing topics learned as prominent. All these information would enhance one’s learning in terms of identifying areas where one’s strengths could be capitalized and addressing the identified weaknesses to improve on skills that would ensure the achievement of both personal and professional goals. One discovered that through using skills in notes taking, academic performance could be improved as one would apply this skill in improving reading and in evaluating which financial aspects could be developed. The multiple intelligence exercises assisted in determining which possible career paths are closely linked to one’s characteristics and strategies. This would guide me in streamlining potential employment opportunities and in focusing on the most
Tuesday, August 13, 2019
An Investigation on the Selection of Social Service Provider and Buyer Dissertation
An Investigation on the Selection of Social Service Provider and Buyer Behaviour - Dissertation Example According to (Pires and Stanton, 2002), social services are of key importance to the society as these help in strengthening the quality of life of individuals. Although, social service provision is more popularly linked to governmental organizations, there are in fact, a number of non-governmental social service providers as well. Some of these are professionally managed by trained personnel working full-time and paid adequately while others may be formed by volunteers working in their leisure time (Munday, 2007).The users of social services may vary in terms of the urgency of their needs and degree of their dependency on service providers. There may be a dying day-laborer requiring immediate medical care from the nearest possible provider on one hand, while a child laborer in the need of proper education for a bright future on the other. The need and dependency of the former does not leave him much scope to dwell on choices and selection criterion whereas the latter can improve his chances of continuous support and future employment by making a prudent choice. A consumer of general commercial or other services follows certain steps, knowingly or unknowingly, in order to reach a decision while making a choice of a service provider. One of the models defining such a process is the EKB (Engel, James, David Kollat and Roger Blackwell) model with stages of problem recognition, internal and external search, alternative evaluation, purchase and outcome (Engel, J., Kollat, D. and Blackwell, R. (1968). But a consumer of social services differs from the general consumer on a number of significant parameters including sources of information, aptitude and spending capacity (Pires and Stanton, 2002). This affects the process followed adversely more often than not.The selection process of these consumers may be influenced by familiarity, proximity, endorsement and acceptance of claims prima facie without due diligence (Schiffman et al, 1997). This paper therefore proposes t hat there is a need to understand the decision making process and criteria employed by the buyers of social service, so that more targeted promotion or reach out programs can be developed by the social service providers. Social service providers across the UK are funded by the government and private donations and it is essential that the funding is justified in terms of concerted and targeted help made available to those who are in real need. However, the selection of a service is largely dependent on the individual who needs it, and therefore it is important that the service providers are aware of how this selection process occurs. 2. Research Objectives -To evaluate the factors that influence the selection of service provider It is expected that there will be both external situational factors as well as internal, psychological or personality factors that impact which criteria are adopted by the consumers. -To explore the specific criteria that the consumers of social service emplo y in selecting a service The proposed objective of the research is to understand the criteria that social service buyers adopt in selecting a social service for themselves. -To develop a framework for consumer behaviour for selection of social service provider Another aim of the research is to develop a framework that can be used to predict consumer behaviour for consumers of social services. 6. Literature Review A preliminary review of the available literature has
Monday, August 12, 2019
Marketing in Social Media (Facebook) Research Paper
Marketing in Social Media (Facebook) - Research Paper Example Social media is one of the latest marketing aid tools in the commercial sector. Facebook is a popular social network that enables people from all corners of the globe to create respective accounts and communicate to each other regardless the distance. The commercial sector has taken advantage of the popular network to advertise or create awareness of their products among other relevant information. This work focuses on Facebook, one of the most popular social networks, as an advertising tool in the commercial arena. There are over a million commercial pages in Facebook, hence, it is important to incorporate some attractive features to attract more people to the social networking community. The success of communication through Facebook could be measured by the number of likes or comments. Attractive photos or images attached to accounts play a significant role. From a psychological view, a normal human being would always be attracted by unique or colorful images, and this would make o ne read the content of the pages and finally like such pages. Bright colors like yellow, pink and white could be incorporated into the images to attract some attention and this would improve the chances of one to make positive comments or like a page. Business pages could also include the images of popular individuals like famous sportsmen, actors, models and comedians among others. However, it is important to consider all the legal and ethical implications before using anyone’s image; for instance, a company should enter into a contract with a preferred celebrity to have his/her photos used on such pages. People tend to associate themselves with celebrities, hence, more likes and positive comments, which is a good sign of an advert message. The use of simple appealing language could also attract more people to like or comment on such pages. For instance, adverts in Europe could be done in English or French as these are the two most spoken languages in the area (Arvind 19). I t is also important to incorporate current events like sports in such pages. For instance, such pages may contain images of the ongoing confederation cup and rugby sevens world cup among others. The advert information should be short and precise, meaning the core information should be easy to access. Recent business studies of hotel and tourism business in Taiwan recommend the industries to engage in more Facebook adverts to increase more clients or customers. Compared to their counterparts in Europe and other parts of the developed world, Taiwan hotels are not that well known due to poor advert or marketing strategies. The language barrier is another factor limiting effective communications through Facebook. Taiwan hotel market expect more customers from Europe, Africa, North America and South America among others whose main languages are French, English and Portuguese, which are not spoken in Taiwan. However, Taiwan hotel industry could create business pages in their native langua ge but have it translated into other languages to limit the issue of biases ((Hsu 972). The industry could also post images or photos of some of well established hotels among other tourism facilities to attract more clients from all corners of the globe. The pages should be interactive, meaning the clients or customers’ questions or concerns should be answered considering all important details in the most respective ways. The pages should have appropriate passwords to limit hackers from posting non-relevant information that could compromise the image and reputations of such hotels. Facebook has enabled e-commerce in several ways and this could be attributed by the fact that the majority of the youths' access the Facebook pages at
Sunday, August 11, 2019
Essential Elements of a Crime Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1000 words
Essential Elements of a Crime - Essay Example Under our scenario, it is evident that conduct of Stephen of punching Vincent in the stomach is, the actus reus of battery. Battery in itself is unlawful taking into consideration that it is often meant at hurting the other party intentionally. In other words, Stephens’s unlawful offensive physical contact against Vincent is tantamount to a criminal offence. Commission acts is a significant proof for the actus reus of a crime. The case at hand can also be examined from causation point of view whereby action of the defendant resulted on a particular consequence. For instance, it can be established that Stephen’s act of punching Vincent was the major cause of Vincent’s illness. This clearly proves that in case a definition of the actus reus calls for a proof of an occurrence of a particular consequences then the prosecutor carries the responsibility of proving that the defendant’s conduct directly caused the consequences. For instance, if the prosecutor beli eves that Stephen conduct of battery was the reasonable cause of Vincent death then he/she has to prove this assertion. A conduct in criminal law does not need to be a commission only but also omission. V asserts that Clarkson (2005: 102) Omission refers to failure to take a positive action and consequently results in injury. Under general common law not only in the United Kingdom but also in other countries practicing common law, no individual can be held criminally liable for an act of omission. However, there are exceptions to omission rule such as in cases where there is: statutory duty, contractual obligation, voluntary assumption of responsibility, duty due to defendants previous conduct, and public duty. Failure to act and or respond positively to the above exceptions can result to committing actus reus by omission. In our scenario Stephen was guilty of committing the actus reus of omission. This claim can be justified by the fact that he failed respond to his prior act of ca using bodily harm to Vincent and consequently led to victim’s death. Under the common law defendant is often expected to correct a dangerous situation, which he/she is directly responsible for its occurrence (Emanuel, 2007: 95). Instead of helping Vincent who was, gasping for air on the floor Stephen just chose to run away even after punching him. Meanwhile Jim cannot be held criminally liable for committing actus reus of omission taking into consideration that he was under any statutory or contractual duty to help Vincent and there his inaction cannot attract any penalty under common law. Task 2: principles of novus actus interveniens and the ‘egg shell rule’ Principle of novus actus interveniens is widely used in the context of causation and it is used to explain interference with the chain of causation or to mean 'a new intervening act' (Hodgson, & Lewthwaite, 2007: 61). The chain of causation in criminal law refers to the series of events triggered by the def endant that leads to a particular event and consequent injury. For instance, it can be established through a post-mortem that a serious stab wounds is the major cause of a victim’s death. The relationship between a guilty action and its consequences is an important premise for establishing guilt and final liability not only in
Saturday, August 10, 2019
How Commercialization has changed the Music Industry Essay
How Commercialization has changed the Music Industry - Essay Example The objective of this essay is to critically analyze the process of commercialization of music. From the recent trends it is quite evident that the role of music with social systems has changed to a large extend. More than an artistic creation it has been commercially enhanced as a cultural commodity. The quality of music is often judged upon the extent of its consumption by masses. In other words, more popular a piece of music is, its quality is perceived to be proportionally high. Here, the reach of music, to be precise in commercial terms, its marketing strategies is the factor which would decide the perceived quality of music. For instance, a particular song is marketed heavily and manages to reach a lot of people; the public would perceive that it’s artistically great owing to its popularity. The role of music in the modern society has a fundamental nature. It is associated with the society ritualistically. Music plays important role in social activities and gatherings. T his association is further connected with the emotional affiliations of the society. Each genre of music can generate respective feelings in people. This ability was utilized by the earlier societies at a personal level or at closed social gatherings. Thus music used to connect with the personal music ears of people and also with the common feelings of communities. This power of music had an important role in the creation of music. However, with the commercialization of music it has taken a more general form. With this change, the aesthetics of music underwent unprecedented changes. The aesthetics started to depend largely on the technologies, new techniques and the latest trend in the societies. An example to this is Jazz music. This genre of music was considered to be Devil’s music at a point of time in the history. Later as other fashion statements of the society was commercialized in such a way that this genre of music became the music of the elite. Thus the larger commer cialization of the societal norms has direct connections with the trends in music. Fundamental critics would define this as degradation of the aesthetics of music. It is quite natural to have changes in the forms and aesthetics of music with changing norms of the society. However, these changes in music become dangerous, when the creation of music is defined by the commercial requirements of the society. In other words, it is not a healthy trend where the commercial elements would decide what the world should listen to. On the other side the music and its developments should respond to the changes in the society and its norms. The development the culture industry in the liberalized economy has a huge role in the commercialization of music. In a world where trade and export became faster and easier, people get exposed to newer things faster. This created a demand for cultural elements from different societies. As a result of this music of a particular society became global and broke its societal and geographic limitations. Thus the consumer base for music became large. For instance, for a particular genre of music from the streets of Pakistan, there could be large number of enthusiasts all around the world. Thus music in general has broken the cultural boundaries. The new definition of boundaries of culture in general is the marketability of it.
Friday, August 9, 2019
Organizational Concept Worksheet Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words
Organizational Concept Worksheet - Essay Example So it can be understood that when new operational processes are implemented in an organisation, it constitutes a process of change. Such changes could border on the purchase of new plant and machinery, training of new employees on how to carry out new tasks This confirms findings from previous research (Bolman and Deal,1999) that two thirds of organisational change efforts meet resistance that make them to bypass the intended goals. An even dismal figure is revealed by Carr et al (in Smith, 2003) that only 10 percent of orgainsations actually succeeded in institutionalising a new management style or corporate vision , with 90 percent facing vigorous challenges. Such trend has frequently prompted researchers to investigate the challenges to implementing change in an organisation. Resistance to change usually comes when employees in that organisation take a contrary stance to a new operating system that needs to be implemented. One of the greatest challenges (resistance) to implementing systemic change has been identified to be the difficulty to dismantle an existent corporate culture. This corporate culture, as seen by Mintzberg et al (1998) is a shared commitment to beliefs that encourages consistency in an organisation’s behaviour and way of doing things, thereby discouraging changes in strategy. The above view gives support to the work of Kotter and Heskett (see Smith, 2003) who note organisations that have been successful in the past may persist in their cultural values even though these values inhibit the organisation from adapting to a changing business environment. The persistence in cultural values, according to Lorsch (see Mintzberg, 1998) acts as a prism that blinds managers to opportunities resulting from changing external conditions. Corporate culture therefore implants a system whereby the organisation develops the tendency to adhere to beliefs that have worked in the past, though they may not be working at the time the change is
Thursday, August 8, 2019
In light of initiatives to promote improved regulation at a local Essay
In light of initiatives to promote improved regulation at a local level, critically evaluate the role of food industry self regulation in the future - Essay Example The political parties are actively taking part to propose changes in the UK’s Food Safety Enforcement to protect the consumers and to ensure the compliance of the companies to the effective enforcement system (Jukes, 1993). Although a number of key reforms were made in UK’s food safety regulatory structure in 2002 however, most of these reforms dealt with the changes in the central government arrangement for hygienic and safe food rather than local enforcement. In this report, the self regulation of food industry in the context of its role in future has been discussed. The degree to which an organisation is responsible to manage risks depends on the nature of business. However, in a food industry, the responsibility of the organisation increases because the user of the product manufactured by the food company is at risk. Therefore, the self regulation of food industry is highly encouraged nowadays as compared to other industries. Industry self-regulation is a process that involves an industry – level organisation setting rules and standards with regard to the conduct of firms within the respective industry, (Gunningham and Rees, 1997). In other words, the industry associations or the companies should come up with the policies and minimum standards to avoid risk. In 2002, when the reforms in food safety enforcement of UK were made, the local enforcement remained untouched because it was being considered that state was responsible to ensure the minimum standards and the role of the individual businesses was overlooked. However, nowadays, it is being considered as the responsibility of both the state and the individual companies to determine how the risk can be managed and because of this reason the self regulation of UK food industry has increased. In short, government regulation and self-regulation are not mutually exclusive but rather a part of a continuum or put differently, complementary
The Whiteness Questions Reading + Questions Coursework
The Whiteness Questions Reading + Questions - Coursework Example According to the arguments presented in the article, it seems that many whites do not fully understand the meaning of whiteness in the American context. Even with this as the case, racism, gender discrimination, and imperialism still persists. Interestingly, the whites exhibit an identity that they cannot adequately explain. However, the race, gender, and the white-self factors hold the answer to the contemporary whiteness question. White people have defined themselves based on their white race and gender, but they have overlooked self-actualization relative to this race. The author argues that a good percentage of the white population is still struggling to understand the meaning of whiteness from a political and historical point of view. Amid this, whiteness continues to sink in the hearts of the whites, thus enabling them to understand the dynamics of whiteness and what comprises racism out of the whiteness question. It emerges from the reading that there are white people who have never considered the white to be a race. From this perspective, it can only be argued that a race comprises of people of color; obviously this not true. This indirect notion was to some extent uncomfortable at a personal level. It never occurred to me before that the whites do not fully understand their whiteness. On the other hand, the fact that there are white people who are always joining the civil rights pursuit in favor of people of color resonated with me. The whiteness question is undoubtedly important to address. The issues raised by this question affect whites and people of color in one way or another. However, there is an ultimate personal question and point of confusion when it comes to asserting who is really white and what exactly it takes to be white. What I do not understand is the ‘pure’ aspect of whiteness. Personally, I have interacted with both whites and people of color from the North and South sides of the United States. From my experience, the
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